Ukrainian Scouts in USA: Appeal to Scouts Internationally
February 27, 2022
Dear Fellow Scouts:
There are approximately a million Americans of Ukrainian origin in the US. Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization – USA represents 2,000 Ukrainian American scouts, spread across the US. We are composed of a mix of immigrants and first, second or third generation Americans. Our sister organization is Plast Ukraine with more than 10,000 members. We are part of theConference of Ukrainian Plast Scouting Organizations, composed of scouts from 26 countries. We were founded in 1912 in Ukraine, and similar to other scouting organizations around the world, we provide opportunities for growth and leadership development for our youth.
You are, no doubt, aware that Thursday, 24 February 2022 at approximately 05:00 AM (Ukrainian time), the Russian Federation once again invaded Ukraine. This invasion represents a threat to the sovereignty of Ukraine and to the common values held in Europe and in the democratic world. This is not Russia’s first invasion of Ukraine; in 2014 it occupied Crimea and attacked and occupied parts of two regions, Donetsk and Luhansk.
Putin has stated he wants no NATO troops on his frontier. Within weeks that frontier may be at the Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian borders. There are American soldiers there who could be in harm’s way.
You have read the news that Ukrainian soldiers are valiantly resisting the Russian attack, and many have sacrificed their lives to ensure a better future for their families, their country, and by extension, for us. Some of these soldiers are also Ukrainian Scouts. It is important that we unite around the globe, for peace. Your support and your voices are critical in helping us to end this calamity. Please share broadly.
We call on the entire Scouting and international community to apply all possible measures to stop this uncalled for aggression. The most important things we can do now to help Ukraine:
Ask members of Congress to:
- Apply sanctions against the leadership and the entire government of the Russian Federation,
- Apply sanctions against Russia’s oligarchs and all their financial interests, irrespective of the formal owners of the assets. Stop them from using their jets and yachts.
- Stop all air travel to or from Russia. Do not allow Russia overflight rights.
- Stop all trade in Russian goods, including petroleum products.
- Stop Russians from participating in any sporting or cultural events.
You can find contact information for your representatives at the following sites:
Help us disseminate information about Russia’s war against Ukraine:
Read and share verified and official information about Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Also write supporting
messages, write posts and use these hashtags: #StandWithUkraine, #StopRussianAggression,
#UkraineUnderAttack, #StopRussia, #PrayforUkraine.
Please call this war what it is: the Russian war on Ukraine.
Russian propaganda and fake news is actively disseminated and is published regularly by main line media as well
as social media sites. Verified sources of information can be found on these sites in Ukraine:
Please follow the Plast Ukraine scout sources in English:
- last website
- Plast social media on Twitter and on Facebook
Please Donate:
Plast Conference, Inc., the administrative vehicle of the Conference of Ukrainian Plast Scouting Organizations,
has been a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation since 1995. Among its various activities it has been
providing medical and humanitarian aid to wounded Ukrainian soldiers and their families, as well as aid to the
widows and orphans of fallen soldiers since 2014.
You may donate through PayPal at the following link:
You may also donate by check, made out to “Plast Conference;” please place a note in the memo field stating
“Wounded warriors”. Please ensure that each check contains the individual’s correct mailing address. Individual
checks of $250 or more will receive a written acknowledgment for tax purposes. For checks under $250, the
cancelled check will serve as a receipt for tax purposes.
Please mail to: Plast Conference, Inc. PO Box 491 Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
You can also donate to the following credible Humanitarian Organizations:
- United Help Ukraine; Life-saving medical supplies to Ukraine’s front lines
- Razom for Ukraine; Tactical medical training and emergency response in Ukraine
- Ukrainian Congress Committee of America: #SupportUkraine Humanitarian Effort.
Please join peace rallies being held in many major cities:
Thank you. Yours in scouting,
Andrew Kozak, Board Chairman