Call for Support of Plast Scouts in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Volunteer Units
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Hard times have again befallen Ukraine. It is again fighting for its freedom and independence just as it did a century ago during a time that witnessed the beginnings of our Ukrainian scouting organization, Plast.
As they were a century ago, Plast members are again at the forefront of the war effort. They are actively helping to withstand the anti-Ukrainian aggression in eastern Ukraine supported by an invading foreign force which aims to once again subjugate Ukraine. Some of our Plast members organize aid and support for the armed forces; others volunteer their efforts in information services and procurement and delivery of medical supplies. Most importantly, many have now taken up arms and are defending their country and our ancestral land. They have left behind their livelihoods and families, – and their numbers continue to grow.
While we pray that Ukraine’s servicemen and servicewomen return safely from the war, some have already been seriously injured and are in immediate need. We are therefore calling upon Plast members and friends of Plast throughout the world for financial support. A benevolent fund has been established to support our colleagues serving in the armed forces in Ukraine, particularly to help the injured recover and acclimate after returning from war. Some will need long term medical care.
Please make your tax deductible contribution by check made to “Plast Conference Inc.” which may be sent to:
Plast Conference Inc., 941 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622
For additional information on this effort please contact the Treasurer of the Worldwide Plast Board (Holovna Plastova Bulava) at: [email protected].
We are profoundly proud of and indebted to our Plast members who are serving in the armed forces or in the various volunteer organizations supporting the war effort. They are defending a new Ukraine and its democratic European values. They have taken their oath of loyalty to God and Ukraine, to help others and to live by the tenets of Plast to a level that few of us ever will.
May the Lord protect our Ukrainian servicemen and women. We are with you!
Sylno, Krasno, Oberzhno, Bystro!
CEO of Plast Conference Inc. Marta Kuzmowycz
Secretary General of Plast Conference Inc. Nazar Zelinka