Plast Newark has built and shipped 3,000 Med Kits to Ukraine

April 3, 2022. With the tremendous help and support from our own Plastuny and volunteers who are buying the supplies, sending donations, and coming over to help build IFAKs (Individual First Aid Kit) for Ukrainian warriors, Plast Newark has built and shipped 3,000 Med Kits to Ukraine so far.

Пластуни Станиці Нью-Йорк збирають гуманітарну допомогу для біженців в Україні

5 березня 2022. Пластова Станиця в Нью-Йорку дуже вдячна за всі пожертви одежі, їжі,черевиків та їжі для немовлят. Ми назбирали 100 пачок та відправляємо їх для біженців, що постраждали від російської війни в Україні.

Medical and Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine 2022

We are raising funds for Plast Conference, Inc. so that they could provide medical and humanitarian aid to scouts and their families defending Ukraine from Russian military aggression.

Ukrainian Scouts in USA: Appeal to Scouts Internationally

February 27, 2022 Dear Fellow Scouts: There are approximately a million Americans of Ukrainian origin in the US. Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization – USA represents 2,000 Ukrainian American scouts, spread across the US. We are composed of a mix of immigrants and first, second or third generation Americans. Our sister organization is Plast Ukraine with […]